Autodesk flame software
Autodesk flame software

We’re really pleased that pixstor is now fully recognised as a qualified and supported Autodesk storage solution. Jamie Bean, Solution Architect at pixitmedia comments,“The Autodesk Flame Qualification is a seal of approval for pixstor and shows our ongoing commitment to providing a solution that guarantees reliable performance for our customers that use the Autodesk Flame family for finishing.

autodesk flame software

These results are then audited and verified by Autodesk which examines the performance of bandwidth, latency, frame playback, video rendering, and sequence scheduling within Flame of several different HD and 4K video formats. The qualification is based on an industry-validated set of tests and performance requirements, and requires storage solution vendors to conduct studies on their products when working in combination with Autodesk Flame.

autodesk flame software

“pixitmedia has built an innovative, high-performance solution that has the potential to seriously accelerate the creative workflows of our mutual customers.” “It’s great to have pixstor as a qualified storage solution for Flame, said Will Harris, Flame Family Product Manager, Autodesk.

autodesk flame software

The Autodesk Flame Qualification signals pixitmedia’s experience in developing a network storage solution that can match and exceed the performance of Flame-qualified local hardware storage repositories.

#Autodesk flame software software#

London, United Kingdom, 31st March pixitmedia’s storage solution pixstor has been recognised by 3D design, engineering and entertainment software specialists Autodesk as a trusted and reliable solution for creative and media workflows that utilise the Flame product family.

Autodesk flame software